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Next-gen environmental solutions

Transform your business and the environment with industry leading products

Portland Tech Sales Group

Portland Tech Sales Group is a division of Western Chemical Labs and a premier manufacturing representation firm located in Portland, Oregon. PTSG has highly trained technical professionals available to our family of companies. From lab testing, chemical recommendations, equipment options and water treatment support, PTSG is here to assist our customers in finding solutions for their going needs.  We provide a wide variety of chemicals, equipment and cleaning solutions that benefit the environment. Contact us today about the many environmentally safe options available.


Protecting the environment

The environment is extremely important to our family of companies-Our Mission is to provide environmentally friendly products to help our customers improve and maintain the environment for future generations. An multi million dollar sales organization serving six Western States since 1995. “Providing environmentally safe solutions for tomorrows generation”.

Protecting our energy resources

Our Planet: Protecting our environment is important to all of us! Here’s how we’re doing our part-Our water treatment products help our customers reduce waste, clarify their water limit what they omit to the environment. Filter, reuse clean water and only dispose of the waste. Our condenser, chiller and heat exchanger products aid our customers in operating clean energy efficient equipment to conserve our planets energy resources. Ask us how? Our bio-degradable chemicals limit harmful chemicals from entering our water ways and help keep our environment clean. All of the products we represent, manufacture and market our first priority is how can we produce cleaner and safer products for our environment. We can all do something at our organizations and facilities to keep our plant and environment safe from harmful chemicals and products! Ask us how we can help you be more environmentally friendly and reduce your overall costs.

We are consistently working to better the environment and striving to provide our customers with cost saving solutions to reduce their overall costs of operation. We work in conjunction with all our partners and manufactures to developed safer and cleaner products for our environment!

Request Information

Email - [email protected]

Phone - 503.714.9781